Concert dates ....
As with many music making activities our concert schedule came to a complete standstill during the pandemic, however with a sense of normality now with us we have been actively resuming our programme of concert giving over past year.
Please do get in touch if you would like more information about how we can support your fundraising events, special occasions or community events by performing a concert of varied and interesting music.
Recent concerts : DECEMBER 2024 supporting Broadwater Lodge care home with a concert of festive musical entertainment - our next concert is already booked for Easter 2025.
JULY 2024 we enjoyed supporting the Lydian Singers at North Camp Methodist Church, Farnborough on Saturday 13th July 2024 at 7.30pm
7th December 2019 An afternoon of festive musical entertainment for the residents and staff of
(a private function) Broadwater Lodge in Farncombe. We will be joined by students from
Broadwater School in performing a selection of instrumental and vocal music including Christmas Thingummy, Christmas in Killarney and festive carols.
20th July 2019 A morning of musical entertainment for the residents and staff of
(a private function) Broadwater Lodge in Farncombe. We will be joined by students from
Broadwater School in performing a selection of instrumental and vocal music including Skye Boat Song, The Rose and Run all of which have been kindly arranged for the group and students.
22nd September 2018 Concert in aid of North Camp Matters Community Association
7.30pm St Marks Church Hall, Guildford Road East
Farnborough, GU146PX
24th March 2018 Spring Concert with the Lydian Singers
7.30pm North Camp Methodist Church, Farnborough
10th December 2017 1930s Christmas at Polesden Lacey National Trust
11.00am in the Courtyard Great Bookham, Surrey

"We really enjoyed being with Evoc Music Group and hope that we can sing with them again. Thank you from all of us."
The students of Broadwater

"It was great to be performing with Evoc again- can't wait until the next time!"
The students of Broadwater

"Thank you to the staff at Polesden Lacey who made us feel so welcome. Despite the challenging weather conditions we were able to perform our programme of festive music to an appreciative audience."
Evoc Music Group